Hawk Eating Rabbit
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A Coopers Hawk caught an unsuspecting rabbit for his dinner in my back yard this afternoon.
Being unaware that the hawk was in my yard, I walked outside of my home into the back yard, and immediately stopped dead in my tracks as I noticed the hawk on the grass staring hard at me as he protected his dinner.
It took me by surprise because he was only 20 feet away from me, was very large compared to most of the backyard birds, and he seemed very determined not to leave.
Making a quick retreat, I backed up inside my home to grab my camera and took photos and videos of him eating the rabbit. After he was done eating he flew just a few feet away and landed on my fence where he cleaned himself.
Eventually he flew off and I attempted to go back outside and went to see what was left of the rabbit, which was not much. As I was walked over to the rabbit, I looked up and saw the hawk staring at me from my chimney. Not wanting to make the hawk react, I backed off, grabbed my camera again and this time sat outside and took some more photos. Within a few moments the hawk flew right at me, and flew right over my head and took off.